Whittington Woods Campground

  • 14297 State Hwy 37
  • Whittington, IL,  62897
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    • Whittington Woods Campground - Facilities
      Whittington Woods Campground - Nearby Attractions
      Whittington Woods Campground - Price Rates (For Party of 2)
      Whittington Woods Campground - Policies

      Our Facilities

      Our facilities include our store, newly renovated swimming pool, a large pavilion for gatherings which has several picnic tables and a fire pit. Our main restrooms have central heating and air conditioning and have been totally renovated. We offer a wooded area where you can walk with the children and or pets as well as a playground located close to the pool. We have a meeting/activity room, basketball court, propane, dump station and laundry room with brand new machines. Free Wi-Fi available.